Bakugan Wiki Characters

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  1. Bakugan Battle Planet Wiki

Add new page. Wiki Content. Recently Changed Pages. Bakugan: The Final Takedown is the last season that shows the final battles among heroes and villains, in all the planets such as Earth, Vestal, Neathia, Gundalia and Vestroia. Dan Kuso Guardian Bakugan: Pyrus Final Dragonoid. Runo Misaki Guardian Bakugan: Haos Gear Aerogan. Marucho Marukura Guardian Bakugan: Aquos Spray Akwimos.

Bakugan Wiki Characters

Contents [] Information The Resistance was formed by Mira Clay after she saw speak after being tortured by her father and brother and from that she learned that the Bakugan were actually living things and not toys as the Vestals had previously thoguht. After recruiting Baron and Ace over an unknown period of time, Dan and Marucho arrived in New Vestroia, who Mira was able to meet up with before the Vexos and got them to join the resistance as well. After that, the resistance found a clear goal, to destroy the that were restricting the Bakugan in to their ball forms. Over the course of this goal Shun eventually joined as well.


Bakugan Battle Planet Wiki

After this goal was completed, the resistance split up, with Shun, Marucho, and Dan left to go back to Earth whlie Mira, Baron, and Ace stayed on New Vestroia just in case the Vexos came back to try anything. The members stationed on New Vestroia later went to Vestal and went on TV to expose the Vexos and royal family and luckily, the vestal people believed them and the royal family fled and there was peace on Vestal and New Vestroia. However, this peace did not last long, as the Vexos re-emerged with the which required six to power up, which the previous holders, the, entrusted in the bodies of the guardian Bakugan of the resistance members.

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