Delphi Compiler Defines
Specifies the location of your source files. Only those files on the compiler's search path or the library search path are included in the build. If you try to build your project with a file not on the search path, you will receive a compiler error. You must include the entire search path. Separate multiple directory path names with a semicolons.
Delphi Compiler Version Defines
Delphi Compiler
Whitespace before or after the semicolon is allowed but not required. Relative and absolute path names are allowed, including path names relative to the current position.
#if COOPER // Compile the following for Java only. #if TOFFEE && TARGET_OS_IPHONE // Compile the following for Cocoa / iOS only. #if ECHOES COOPER // Compile the following for.NET and Java (but not Cocoa).
May 26, 2018 - Download Pokemon Emerald Randomizer (USA) GBA ROM for the GameBoy Advance. Languages: English. Pokemon Emerald Randomizer. Just for funsies one day, I decided to make a quick tool to take an old pokemon game from one of my favorite generations. Gba pokemon randomizer rom download. Mar 8, 2018 - Pokemon Emerald Randomizer for Nintendo Gameboy Advance/GBA is a Monster Capture RPG game, Developed by Game Freak.
#if!TOFFEE // Don't compile the following for Cocoa (but do for.NET and Java). The ' elseif' (or ' elif' in C#) directive follows a previous ' if' directive (and optional ' elseif' directives). It closes the previous blocks and starts a new block of code that will be compiled if none of the previous conditions have been met and the condition provided in the directive itself is met. ' elseif'/' elif' allow the cascading of multiple cases, comparable to a case statement in regular code, without requiring a convoluted nesting of multiple ' if'/' endif' directives.
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