Aug 9, 2018 - Following a lawsuit against two other ROM sites, well-known ROM site EmuParadise have decided to remove all ROMs from their site as well,.
Another thing that might happen is some rights holders might finally get around to monetizing their back catalog -- and maybe in a way that is more appealing than paying $5 for a single-device digital license to play a single 30-year-old game. I'm going to continue to support legal emulation and buy old games on new platforms, even while I enjoy the community projects like MAME and Stella. I don't have statistics, but there's certainly anecdotal evidence that sufficiently convenient legit purchases can make piracy go away, just because it's a bit more hassle. Streaming music is way simpler than even the easiest Napster-type filesharing scheme. Streaming isn't as profitable for artists as direct sales, but moreso than piracy, so it's good that some of the fees go back to the rights holders. Netflix and other streaming video have probably bitten into video file sharing, and have certainly eaten Blockbuster's rental business.
When you stream a show, you don't have to store or manage it (nor do you get to keep it, but that's another discussion). I don't exactly know what Nintendo will deliver with its subscription service, other than it will be cheap and hopefully fun. Seems likely to me that shutting down the top download sites is a reasonable way to increase the appeal of the legit service. I see there are still a few sites left, but returns a bunch of news stories about this enforcement, rather than super-sleaze that makes the company look bad. For those feeling butthurt, there are still a plenty of download sites out there, too. Hang on to your original media if you want to 'preserve' something.
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